How To Make Your Horse Happier and Healthier
Owning a horse comes with a lot of responsibility. If you want to get the absolute most out of your horse, then you have to focus on keeping them healthy. Finding the right boarding facility and getting your horse checked out by a veterinarian routinely are just a few of the things you need to do to keep your horse in good shape. If you are new to the world of owning and caring for horses, then you need to work with seasoned professionals to ensure you are providing your animal with the care they need.
The average horse owner spends around $3,800 a year to care for their animal. Making sure that this money is invested in the right type of care is crucial when trying to eliminate wasteful spending. Here are some things you can do to improve your horse’s overall health and happiness.
Give Your Horse Plenty of Grazing Time
A horse needs a few basic things to thrive. One of the most important things you need to provide your horse with is plenty of time to graze. If you watch a horse graze, you will notice the animal will nibble every few steps they take. Doing this allows the animal to lubricate their joints and iron out any kinks in its digestive system. Most people have to rent boarding facilities for their horses.
Before you allow your animal to graze in a new boarding facility, be sure to inquire about the types of plants and vegetation around the grounds. You also need to make sure hazardous trees like Black Walnuts and Red Maples are not present. By getting this information, you can rest assured that your animal is safe when grazing in a new area.
Allow Your Horse to Be Social
In the wild, horses are considered herd animals. This means that these animals are social by nature. If a horse does not get the socialization they need, it will be hard to ride them without incident. Most new horse owners fail to realize that they can stall a goat or donkey with their animal for an increased amount of socialization.
If you are the owner of a younger horse, letting them spend time with older horses is a great idea. Once they spend time with older horses, your younger animals will learn better habits.
Don’t Forget to Give Your Horse a Break
Another important thing you need to remember when trying to keep your horse healthy is that these animals need frequent breaks. If you try to ride a horse day after day without providing breaks, they are bound to get hurt eventually. Horses that are overworked have a higher risk of getting injured. This is why you need to provide your horse with a few days of rest after each ride.
Are you in the market for a great boarding facility? At Ocean View Stables, you can get a great deal on the boarding services you need.