Riding Horses Offers Mental and Physical Benefits
You’ve no doubt heard of equine-assisted therapy, but healthy children and adults can also realize some amazing benefits from horseback riding. While it may seem that riding a horse couldn’t be much exercise, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Whether riding for recreation or for sport, traditional horseback riding can be physically challenging and intensely rewarding at the same time.
Physical Benefits
Horseback riding requires the use of the rider’s core muscles, such as obliques and abdominals. Muscles in the back and inner thighs are also strengthened as the rider learns proper riding posture. Since these muscles are strengthened without actually being lengthened or shortened, these are known as isometric exercises. The rider must engage their core and develop coordination skills as they learn to ride and direct the horse.
Riders also develop their strength as they learn to care for the horses they ride. Demanding physical activity like grooming the horses, carrying tack, and lifting the heavy saddle help strengthen and tone muscles. This special strength is known as stable strength and it increases the rider’s confidence in their own physical abilities.
Mental Benefits
Riding horses requires spending time outside and participating in physical activity, both of which relieve stress. The gentle bouncing motion of the horse creates a natural rhythm that helps improve circulation and aids in the body’s natural release of serotonin, a mood-enhancing hormone that promotes feelings of happiness. Many studies indicate there is a positive correlation between human-animal interaction and stress relieving benefits.
Horseback riding also helps develop communication skills. Riders must communicate effectively with their horses as they learn to execute movements and perform tasks. Learning to control the animal and overcome obstacles while riding helps riders develop problem-solving skills. The horse and rider must also build trust as they develop a relationship, even if only for a trail ride.
The Best Age to Ride
People of all ages can benefit from interacting with horses. In general, the type of interaction will depend on the physical size of the rider and his or her ability to follow directions. Although it is different for everyone and each animal is unique, the benefits of horseback riding are profound. Many of which are still being discovered.
Whether you want to ride recreationally or for sport, Ocean View Stables is a great place to start. We have multiple programs where people of all ages can safely interact with and ride horses. Contact Ocean View Stables today to book a trail ride, birthday party, or riding lesson. Ocean View Stables provides safe educational equestrian fun for people of all ages.